Plastic Surgeon
Dr. Patricia A. Fox, plastic surgeon has practiced plastic and reconstructive surgery in the area for 30 years. She is a graduate of SUNY-Downstate medical school and she completed here surgical and plastic surgical training in Washington, DC at the Georgetown University Hospitals.
Her surgical interests include facial cosmetic surgery and body contouring. She has a special interest in Breast Surgery including both cosmetic and post mastectomy reconstructions.
Dr. Fox has maintained her interest in cleft lip and palate reconstruction throughout her career. She founded the area's only Cleft Palate Clinic which is currently housed at Albany Medical Center.
In addition to her local work in cleft care, since 1995 she has made more than 15 visits to the Dominican Republic (Solid Rock Missions) caring for children in the remote area of San Juan de la Maguana. In 2005, she was chosen as the lead plastic surgeon on a medical mission to China with Chinese Children’s Charities to care for Tibetan orphans with clefts. More recently she has focused her attention on those in need in remote areas of Mexico. She, together with several local surgeons and associates, have formed a charitable entity- S.U.N. (Surgeons for Underserved Nations) to provide care and surgical education to underserved locations.
Dr. Fox is a board certified plastic surgeon and a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
Her awards and honors include the prestigious Spirit of Healing Award from St. Clare’s Hospital in 2000, membership in the Shaker High School Hall of Fame, and the 2008 Alumna of the Year award from her Alma Mater, The College of St. Rose. In 2004 she received the Hadassah Award for her humanitarian efforts, in 2007 the Girl Scouts honored her with the Juliet Lowe Woman of Distinction award and in 2010 she received the Jane Golub Leadership in Women’s Medicine award.
Dr. Fox continues to enjoy the practice of Plastic Surgery bringing enthusiasm, caring and competency to her surgery and her patients. She currently operates at Ellis Medicine and does breast reconstruction at Albany Medical Center.
In her free time she enjoys traveling, scuba diving, underwater videography and photography. She is a strong environmental supporter and member of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM).

For more information on Dr. Fox, click here. Or call 518-346-2358.
Dr. Patricia A. Fox, plastic surgeon