what are the Indications for Breast Reconstruction?
Breast reconstructive surgery is for when Cancer is detected in the breasts. It can include repairing the breast
Breast Reconstruction Surgery
TRAM Flap, Latissimus Flap +/- implant, Implant/ expander. The operative technique is decided in consultation with the patient and may involve the use of her own tissue repositioned to create a breast mound, or the use of an implant/expander to create a breast mound. Surgery may be performed at the time of the mastectomy or at a later date following completion of any additional required tumor treatment. Several procedures are needed for total breast and nipple areola reconstruction. Surgery on the opposite breast may be considered for symmetry.
Where is breast reconstructive surgery performed?
Surgery is performed at the hospital with a general anesthetic. The length of stay varies according to the technique selected for reconstruction. The procedure is performed at either Ellis Hospital, Bellevue Hospital or Albany Medical Center all of which are conveniently located near Albany, NY in the Capital District.
what are the Trade Offs of Breast Reconstruction?
This depends on the technique chosen since there are multiple types of reconstruction available. The doctor will go over trade offs of the surgery with you during the consultation appointment.
what are the Risks of Breast Reconstruction?
This also depends on the technique chosen. During the consultation appointment the doctor will go over this in detail and answer all of your questions.
what is the Recovery for Breast Reconstruction?
Again, this depends on the technique chosen, generally 4-6 weeks with no heavy lifting and some limitations on physical activity.
The American Society of Plastic Surgery (ASPS) has begun a campaign to ensure that all women know what choices they have when it comes to breast Reconstruction. Click on the video & button below to learn more: